Product Information
Porsi : 160gr (2-3 Porsi)
Ingredients: Water (40%), Yakiniku Sauce (Contains Soy and Wheat) (35.86%), TVP (Texturized Vegetable Protein, contains Soy and Wheat), Sesame Oil, Natural Flavor Garlic, Soy Sauce, Chili Powder.
Porsi : 160gr (2-3 Porsi)
Ingredients: Water (40%), Yakiniku Sauce (Contains Soy and Wheat) (35.86%), TVP (Texturized Vegetable Protein, contains Soy and Wheat), Sesame Oil, Natural Flavor Garlic, Soy Sauce, Chili Powder.
Semua produk Green Rebel dapat disimpan selama 12 bulan di suhu ruang dan dalam keadaan kemasan belum terbuka serta hanya bertahan 3 hari di chiller jika kemasan sudah terbuka.
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